More than 5,000 veterinary professionals have joined VetMEDResearch. Here’s why.

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1. VetMEDResearch members are compensated for participation in surveys, focus groups and interviews with cash honorariums, Amazon gift cards or other incentives. The more time we ask of you, the more we pay. Incentives usually range from $10 to $75 for surveys. Focus groups or interviews that require more of your time pay considerably more.

2. You can get the inside look at potential new products in development and help shape future veterinary products and services by sharing your opinions. Our clients include the top animal health companies in the world as well as smaller companies you might not have heard of yet.

3. We have a strict no spam policy, so you won’t get lots of emails and we’ll never ask you to buy anything.

4. We limit participation in surveys to once every three months, so we won’t be clogging up your inbox.

5. You can unenroll at any time.

VetMEDResearch is open to qualified veterinarians, veterinary technicians and veterinary hospital staff. There is no fee for joining the panel. Registration only takes a couple of minutes. Join now.

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